I’m not interested in the condition of your bowels, or whether you put the seat down or washed your hands afterwards, but did you thank the toilet for the service it provided?
No, this isn't another post about pseudo-hallucinations, it’s rather that I’d hate for you to miss out on the World Toilet Day celebrations. Because I’m assuming that, like me, you have a lot to be thankful for in that regard.

streets in the dead of night in search of somewhere safe to empty my bladder.
I’m grateful that my school had toilet and washing facilities, so that I didn’t have to stay at home and jeopardise my education when I began to menstruate.
That I’m not one of the 1.1 billion people around the world who has to shit outside.
I might still grumble when it’s my turn to push the toilet brush down the U bend, but I’m glad that my lifestyle is more akin to Sheena’s than Esme’s in my flash fiction story, Bathroom Suite. That, not only do I have a functioning toilet in my house, I’ve got a spare one for when the main one is busy, and they both sit in rooms that are attractive on the eye. But I hope I’m not as blinkered as Sheena, that I’m doing my humble bit to support those working to bring safe sanitation to all.
For more information on these matters, click on either of the logos. Or listen to this extract from Woman’s Hour, for a reminder of the history of the flushing toilet we’re so lucky to have in the West. Oh, and if you prefer, you can read my story in Hungarian.

Or take the challenge and guess the location of these fabulous toilet facilities – or perhaps you can better it with a favourite of your own. Whatever your toilet-related responses, I promise I won't neglect to say thank you.