- Is Diana a sympathetic character? Did you feel differently about her before and after you discovered her secret?
- At what point did you guess Diana’s secret and did this feel too soon, too late or just right?
- Diana’s situation is an unusual one, but did you find points of connection with your own experience and/or that of people you know?
- There are two timeframes in the novel: 1960s and 70s of Diana’s childhood and 2004 when she meets Simon. Have things changed much for people in her situation between those two points in time, and between 2004 and the present day?
- Did you learn anything new from this novel and, if so, did that interrupt or enhance the flow of the story?
- Do you find any humour in the novel and, if so, did this enhance, or detract from, the serious subject matter?
- Does this novel have a message and, if so, what is it?
- Did you have sympathy for Diana’s parents? Is there much they could have done differently?
- Is the romance between Diana and Simon believable?
- What do you think will happen next for Diana?